This list includes the more significant studies and plans from the past ten years, as well as a few earlier plans that are still in effect. The principal researchers and/or planners were MVC staff members unless other names are indicated. Many of the studies were carried out for and/or with the collaboration of various town boards or other entities.
Elder Services Database: The MVC, in partnership with Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard, has completed an extensive survey and analysis of the elder-service network on the Island. The project aims in large part to help Island towns and organizations document their annual spending, and to generate wider conversations and planning surrounding the topic of healthy aging.
Comprehensive Planning
- Martha's Vineyard Island Plan (MVC, 2010)
- Community Development Plans (MVC, 2004)
- Surveys
Affordable Housing
- Martha's Vineyard Affordable Housing Nexus Study (Ryan, 2003)
- Martha's Vineyard Housing Needs Assessment (MVC, 2013)
- Zoning and Affordable and Community Housing on Martha's Vineyard (MVC, 2014)
Coastal, Harbor, and Hazard
- Norton Point Beach Management Plan (MVC, 1992)
- Vineyard Haven Harbor Management Plan (MVC, 1993)
- South Beach Management Plan, Massachusetts (MVC, 1996)
- Oak Bluffs Harbor District Design Guidelines (MVC 1997)
- Town of Oak Bluffs Harbor Plan (MVC, 1998)
- Town of Edgartown Harbor Plan (MVC, with 2003 update - currently under revision)
- Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head/Aquinnah (MVC, 2009)
- Hazard Mitigation Plan draft (MVC, 2020)
Economic Development
- Cost of Living Study (MVC, 2006)
- Leakage Analysis of the Martha's Vineyard Economy (Shuman and Hoffer, 2007)
- Martha's Vineyard Economic Profile (Ryan, 2008)
- Economic Profile of Martha's Vineyard (MVC, 2006)
- Agricultural Self-Sufficiency (MVC, 2010)
- Arts Martha’s Vineyard: Planning Report (MVC, 2012)
Public Services
- Development Permitting on Martha's Vineyard (MVC, 2008)
- Analysis of Regional Services Study (UMass Collins Center, 2010)
- Solid Waste Management Consolidation Study (Environmental Partners, 2011)
- Oak Bluffs - Tisbury Regional Public Safety Service Study (MMA Consulting Group, 2011)
- Port Area Infrastructure Assessment (MVC, 2000)
- The Blinker Intersection (MVC, 2006)
- Tisbury Connector Roads (MVC, 2006)
- Pre-Feasibility Study of the Shared-Use Path Network (GPI, 2009)
- Design Alternatives for Old County Road and State Road – West Tisbury (MVC, 2010)
- Regional Transportation Plan (MVC, 2020)
- Transportation Improvement Program DRAFT FFY2021--2025 (MVC, 2020)
Urban Design and Character Studies
- Visual Preference Survey (MVC, 2005)
- Tisbury Urban Design Study of Two Prototype Areas, Tisbury (MVC, 2009)
- Plan for Tashmoo Hill Area, Tisbury (MVC, 2011)
- High School Area Community Planning Session (MVC, 2006)
Water Quality and Coastal Ponds
Great Pond Management on Martha’s Vineyard (MVC, 1994)
- Martha's Vineyard Wastewater Management Study (Wright Pierce, 2012)