Data and Reports

Latest Census Data

Official state data hubs

  • MA Department of Economic Research: Various labor market data, including the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW), searchable by town, county, year, and industry.  
  • MA Division of Local Services: Includes the Municipal Databank, with reports on local revenue and expenditures, property taxes, and other municipal finance trends. Also parcel counts by town and type.  

2023 Martha's Vineyard Statistical Profile (MVSP)

A collection of data sets from local, state, and federal sources, including the 2020 Census. Generally covers all seven towns in Dukes County over the the last 10 years.


  1. Population and and demographics
  2. Land use
  3. Economy
  4. Health and education
  5. Housing and real estate
  6. Transportation
  7. Energy and environment
  8. Taxes and town services
  9. Maps

(Click here for 2019 MVSP.)

Latest GIS Data: GIS Data Hub of Dukes County

Elder Services Database:  The MVC, in partnership with Healthy Aging Martha's Vineyard, has completed an extensive survey and analysis of the elder-service network on the Island. The project aims in large part to help Island towns and organizations document their annual spending, and to generate wider conversations and planning surrounding the topic of healthy aging.




The following documents and data compilations, prepared by the MVC, offer information and analysis about Martha's Vineyard and Dukes County.

Comprehensive Planning

Water Quality and Coastal Ponds

Coastal Management

Energy and Climate Change

Economic Development

Affordable Housing


Public Services

Urban Design and Character Studies

Office location:

Office location:

The Stone Building
33 New York Avenue
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Telephone: 508-693-3453
Fax: 508-693-7894

Mailing Address

Mailing address:

Martha's Vineyard Commission
P.O. Box 1447
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Site Map


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Martha's Vineyard Commission
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