Aquinnah Housing Production Plan (HPP)


Final HPP

Data & Reports


In the fall of 2016 and early 2017, The Town of Aquinnah participated in a process to produce a Housing Production Plan (HPP), which is meant to help the Town address its housing problems and create housing options that are affordable for our workers, families, elders and children.  

The HPP process examined demographic trends and housing market conditions, and how they impact our Town and the Island as a whole. A completed HPP can help Town leaders, policy makers and residents understand the best ways to move towards meeting the current and future housing needs of Aquinnah while preserving Town character and values. This plan can also guide decision makers as they look to allocate Town resources for proposed production of new housing and as they change zoning and housing policies to create more affordable housing options for current and future residents.

The process was thorough and public to help shape the future of Aquinnah. Three interactive community workshops were held, which helped guide Aquinnah’s housing policies and initiatives. The workshops were professionally facilitated by planning consultants from RKG Associates, Inc. and JM Goldson.

See below for more informationm about HPP's and contact [email protected] for more information about the Town's process.

Aquinnah's Workshop Dates & Locations:

Help shape the housing and zoning policies Aquinnah will adopt to create housing options that are affordable for our families, elders, employees and children.

Monday September 19, 2016 at 7pm, Old Aquinnah Town Hall

Monday November 14, 2016 at 7pm, Old Aquinnah Town Hall

Monday December 12, 2016 at 7pm, Old Aquinnah Town Hall

Free community dinner at 6:30, workshops started promptly at 7:00


Housing Production Plans

HPP’s are used by communities throughout the Commonwealth to significantly increase the number of affordable housing units and meet their 10% Chapter 40B State Housing Inventory (SHI) target. HPP's that are certified by MA DHCD help towns meet their affordable housing goals in a number of ways, including access to potential Federal/State funding. Recent zoning changes in Nantucket that were highlighted in the MV Times, were part of their HPP.

HPPs make it easier and more attractive for developers and landowners to create friendly 40B and other affordable housing options. Plus, if the MVC is willing to accept/approve a town’s HPP, those projects may be considered “pre-approved” and bypass MVC review when in the permitting process.

Housing Production Plans are approved at the local level by the Board of Selectmen and Planning Board and then submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development for approval.  HPPs are required to contain the following three elements:

  • An assessment of the Town’s housing needs
  • Goals to assist with meeting the needs
  • Strategies toward achieving the goals

All 6 Island Towns are producing Housing Production Plans with Consultants from from RKG Associates, Inc. and JM Goldson Community & Planning. The six Town plans will be combined into an Island wide plan. This project was initiated and is being coordinated by the All Island Planning Board’s Housing Work group, with assistance from the MVC and the Island Housing Trust, and is funded by the MV Commission and grants to each Town from DHCD.

Dowload an FAQ on HPP's.

For complete information about HPPs, including plans from other MA towns this link will bring you to the State’s website.

Aquinnah | Chilmark | Edgartown | Oak Bluffs | Tisbury | West Tisbury




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The Stone Building
33 New York Avenue
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Telephone: 508-693-3453
Fax: 508-693-7894

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Martha's Vineyard Commission
P.O. Box 1447
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

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