Martha's Vineyard Commission

Give Us Your Feedback - MVC Website Impressions

posted 10/2/2024

The MVC is undertaking a website redo with Granicus.  Please take a few moments to complete this website user feedback survey.  Your feedback will help guide the design of our new website.

Thank you for your time.  This survey will close on October 21, 2024.

The Martha's Vineyard Commission (MVC) is the regional planning agency for Martha’s Vineyard Island and the Elizabeth Islands (together, comprising the County of Dukes County).

The mission of the MVC is twofold: (1.) To assist our region’s 7 towns (Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Gosnold, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury, & West Tisbury) with planning expertise; and (2.) Protect and enhance the islands’ environment, economy, character, and social fabric.

Follow us on Social Media

Key Documents
MVC's Facebook Page
MVC's YouTube Channel
Existing DCPC
MVC's Instagram

Recordings of Thursday night MVC Commission Meetings can be found on MVTV.  Search their site by entering the meeting date M.D.YY (example 12.1.22)

HEADLINES - What's New

Give Us Your Feedback - MVC Website Impressions

posted 10/2/2024

The MVC is undertaking a website redo with Granicus.  Please take a few moments to complete this website user feedback survey.  Your feedback will help guide the design of our new website.

Thank you for your time.  This survey will close on October 21, 2024.

Manuel F. Correllus State Forest Public Listening Session Oct. 10th

Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Commissioner Brian Arrigo is inviting you to a public listening session regarding the management of DCR's Manuel F. Correllus State Forest on Thursday, October 10, from 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the Martha's Vineyard Performing Arts Center at Martha's Vineyard Regional High School, 100 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road, Oak Bluffs.

This public listening session aims to hear the concerns of stakeholders and the public regarding the management of the state forest.  Please note, there is an opportunity to submit public comment and feedback until October 17, 2024.  Comments may be submitted via the DCR public comment portalPlease note that the content of comments you submit to DCR (including name, town, zip code) will be posted on DCR's website.  Additional contact info required when commenting will only be used for outreach on future updates on the subject project or property.  

You may also find the public meeting notice published on the DCR website, linked here. 

posted 10/1/2024

Martha's Vineyard Solid Waste Report

posted 9/4/2024

A new MVC report presents information on the Island's solid waste stream, along with ideas derived from a recent study of municipal solid waste diversion in Barnstable County. 

Gathering decision makers, Island waste experts and haulers together could provide an opportunity to review our present conditions and chart a course to best handle our waste stream now and into the future. Such an approach will allow us to plan for best practices in the handling of our waste from an economic and environmental perspective.

For more information, contact Kate Warner


2024 Seasonal Population Estimate

The MVC’s 2024 seasonal population estimate indicates a likely peak of about 94,650 people in August, or 4.6 times the year-round population of 20,530. 

Seasonal population estimates for the Vineyard have varied widely over the years, with MVC figures since 2000 ranging from around 75,000-89,000. This year, the MVC developed a new methodology with guidance from the UMass Donahue Institute. The estimate generally follows a structure-based framework, where housing units and other structures according to FY24 assessor data are used as a basis for estimating population by type.

A full accounting of methods is available in the 2024 Seasonal Population Estimate Report.

For more information, contact Alex Elvin.

posted 8/27/2024


2024 Housing Needs Assessment

The Martha's Vineyard Housing Needs Assessment has been thoroughly updated for 2024, providing a detailed analysis of the Island's housing needs, along with recommendations for the years ahead. Since 2020, when the HNA was last updated, signficant shifts in demographic, economic, and housing trends have occurred, indicating a need to revisit local and regional housing agendas.

For more information, contact Laura Silber.

posted 7/11/2024

Latest State of Housing on MV Summary

posted 6/5/2024

View the latest key statistics about Housing on Martha's Vineyard.  For a deeper dive into housing, please see the MVC's Housing Website Page.


Contact Laura Silber, the MVC's Island Housing Planner, if you have questions.

Economic and Municipal Finance Data Reports Available

To help shed light on recent economic and municipal finance trends on the Island, the MVC has developed a series of data reports based on local, state and federal sources. The reports draw largely from the 2023 Martha's Vineyard Statistical Profile, with updated and additional data, including a local business inventory for each town. As with the Statistical Profile, these reports are meant to be used by town officials, businesses, non-profits, and members of the public for general planning purposes.

The reports can be found here:

For more information, contact Alex Elvin.

posted 6/25/2024


100% Renewable Plan

The MVC has released a report that provides a comprehensive overview of the Island's energy landscape and a path toward eliminating carbon emissions by 2050.

Created by MVC Energy Planner Kate Warner, Getting to 100% Renewable highlights key steps to address the Island's goal of transitioning to renewable energy by 2040, and the Island's requirement to decarbonize by 2050. The report draws from several Island groups and resources focused on climate change mitigation, including the MVC Climate Action Task Force, Vineyard Power, the Vineyard Sustainable Energy Committee, the Vineyard Climate Action Plan, and the Island Climate Action Network. 

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and shifting to renewable sources will require a major shift in how the Island powers its buildings and vehicles, and where it gets its energy. As the report notes, "It also presents a huge opportunity to change our community for the better. By achieving 100% renewable, we can also have cleaner air, healthier people, and a more equitable and properous community for everyone."

For more information, contact Kate Warner.

posted 3/15/2024

updated 7/22/2024


MV Groundwater Hydrology Study Update

posted 4/4/2024

On March 21, 2024 Tim McCobb, of USGS, presented an update on their multi-year groundwater hydrology study of Martha's Vineyard.  The study examines the effects of sea-level rise and climate change on the Island's groundwater resources.

Watch his presentation here on the MVC's YouTube channel.

Contact Sheri Caseau, the MVC's Water Resource Planner, if you have questions.

Open Space Guideline Map - Updated Version Adopted 3/7/2024

The proposed draft 2024 Open Space Guideline Map was adopted by the MVC on 3/7/2024.  The 2024 version is effetive as of that date.

The Martha's Vineyard Commission has a new (2024) Open Space Guideline Map.  this is the map referenced in the MVC's Open Space Preservation Policy.

Using the same input criteria, weighting scale, and suitability modeling methodology, the MVC used the most current version of the 23 input criteria to compile this updated map.

If you have questions about the map, please reach out to Chris Seidel, the MVC's Catorgrapher/GIS Coordinator.

Questions relating to DRIs (Developments of Regional Impact) &/or implementation of the Open Space Preservation Policy, please contact Rich Saltzberg, the MVC's DRI Coordinator.

posted 3/14/2024


Wildfire Risk & Mitigation Storymap

posted 2/13/2024

This new Storymap release focuses on wildfire risk and mitigation on the Island. The MVC worked with local & state partners, along with a consultant team, to complete a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in late 2021. Education on this hazard is an ongoing part of the work to dial back our risk and become a fire adapted community.

Please share the resource freely so we can get eyes wide open on this issue. There are a number of interactive maps included to help the community understand our risk on both the island-scale, as well as in our own backyards.

Read All About It - in the MVC Quarterly - December Issue

posted 12/15/23


Please read the latest edition of the MVC Quarterly. This newsletter has a great summary of all the on-going planning work which the MVC staff are busy plugging away on.

All 7 towns in Dukes County contribute an annual assessment to the MVC and those funds fuel these efforts.

Future MVC Quarterly newsletters will be posted to this page. Please contact Alex Elvin if you'd like to sign-up to receive the Quarterly via email.


Regional Transportation Plan 2024 thru 2044

The MVC Joint Transporta­tion Committee has adopt­ed its Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for 2024-2044, setting the stage for more targeted transportation planning in the years ahead.

The RTP is updated every four years and includes detailed analysis of the transportation network, specific objectives and actions related to each transportation mode (ferry, bike, automo­bile, etc.), and proposed funding allocations over the next 20 years.

This year’s update covers several important developments, in­cluding the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 Census, the state’s 2021 Climate Law and Clean Energy and Climate Plan for 2050, the 2022 Vineyard Climate Action Plan (CAP), and initiation of the Steam­ship Authority’s first ever strategic planning process in 2023.

For more info, contact Mike Mauro, the MVC's Regional Transportation Planner.


posted 12/13/2023

Martha's Vineyard Statistical Profile 2023

posted 12/7/2023

The MVC is excited to announce the release of the updated Statistical Profile of 2023.  This document does include data for all of Dukes County (MV Island plus Gosnold).  Statistical overviews are provided for Energy, Housing, Economy, Transportation, Environment, and Demographics.

Visit the Statistical Profile webpage for links to higher resolution maps and prior versions of the statistical profile.  

If questions, please contact the MVC's Research & Communications Manager, Alex Elvin.

New Economic Report for Oak Bluffs

Economic and Municipal Finance Data Report

A new MVC report gathers data from local, state, and federal sources to illustrate economic and municipal finance trends in Oak Bluffs over the last 10 years. The report also includes a current business inventory based on property type and value. Much of the data was gathered as part of an update to the Martha’s Vineyard Statistical Profile, which the MVC expects to release this year. For more info, contact Alex Elvin.

posted 11/3/2023

Where Might Flooding Occur

With hurricane season on everyone's mind, this is a reminder about the Storm Tide Pathways application.  Created by the Center for Coastal Studies in 2022 (funded by the MVC), the STP App shows where flooding might occur and how deep based on forecasted tide levels.

App's landing page with links to backgound info.

App's how-to video.

Storm Tide Pathways App.

If you have questions, please reach out to Liz Durkee (climate change) or Chris Seidel (GIS) of the MVC.


posted 9/14/23


Climate Risk Assessment for Martha's Vineyard

map created by Woodwell Climate Research Center

posted 8/3/2023

The Woodwell Climate Research Center has just released the Climate Risk Assessment for Martha's Vineyard.  You can download the full document or view on Woodwell's website.

The Woodwell Climate Research Center conducted a climate risk assessment for Martha’s Vineyard, analyzing the impacts of climate change on physical hazards. As a result of climate change, the probability of the historical 100-year rainfall event, a useful indicator of flood risk, is expected to increase slightly by mid-century and be five times more likely by late-century. The likelihood of extreme drought events will also rise, with an increase of 44% by mid-century and 94% by late-century. Related to drought, more high-danger wildfire days will occur; with an additional eight wildfire danger days per year by mid-century and 17 additional days, a near doubling of the historical level, by late-century. This report underscores the importance of localized and freely available climate risk assessments to support climate-resilient decision-making for communities. The findings are crucial for planning a more resilient future for all residents of Martha’s Vineyard.

Please contact the MVC's Climate Change Coordinator, Liz Durkee or Woodwell scientist Andrew Condiafor more info.

Potential Solutions Report Released

The Potential Solutions report for the Up-Island Watershed Management Plan (aka 208 Equivalency Report) has just been released.  In collaboration with RJS Development Solutions and Wright-Pierce, the MVC compiled this document to describe "...a variety of technologies and approaches for mitigating impaired waters and habitats" on Martha's Vineyard.  Intended for Town board members and residents alike, the advantages and disadvantages of each option are explained.

Please reach out to the MVC's Water Resource Planner, Sheir Caseau, for more info.  This project has been funded by MassDEP.

posted 6/30/2023

Photo Credit: Mark Lovewell - The Vineyard Gazette 2014


Carbon Sequestration Study on MV

The Woodwell Climate Research Center is developing an above ground and below ground model of carbon sequestion for Martha's Vineyard.  This work is a collaboration with the MVC's Climate Action Task Force and the Sheriff's Meadow Foundation.  The above ground model is anticipated to be completed in the Spring of 2023. 

Visit the project's website or read the more detailed desctiption to learn more.

Questions? Please contact Ben Robinson (CATF chairperson)

posted 1/4/2023


ArcGIS Online

As administrator of our regional ArcGIS OnLine cloud space, the MVC has updated the site's homepage.  Visitors to the site, including town employees and the general public, should have an easier time finding the interactive maps they are looking for.

Or maybe you'll stumble upon something neat & interesting that you didn't even know you were looking for.  Check it out.

Contact the MVC's GIS Coordator, Chris Seidel, if you have questions.

posted 10/14/22


Climate Change

Development Project Review (DRIs)

>>Active DRIs Webpage

Elder Services


Maps/Data/Aerial Footage


Water Resources

DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW (DRI - Developments of Regional Impact)

Active - Under Review
Active- Under Review
Key Documents
Key Documents
The Process
Existing DCPC
Previously Reviewed




Aquinnah Chilmark Edgartown Gosnold Oak BLuffs Tisbury West Tisbury Multi-Town


The Process
Active - Under Review

Existing DCPC
The MVC filed an amicus curaie brief regarding the Wampanoag Tribe of Aquinnah vs. the Town of Aquinnah: Amicus Brief 2020-03-27
The Tribe opposed the MVC amicus brief: Opposition 2020-04-06
The MVC responded: Response 2020 2020-04-13
The Order of the Court allowing Motion for Leave to File Amicus Brief: Order 2020-04-16





Office location:

Office location:

The Stone Building
33 New York Avenue
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Telephone: 508-693-3453
Fax: 508-693-7894

Mailing Address

Mailing address:

Martha's Vineyard Commission
P.O. Box 1447
Oak Bluffs, MA 02557

Site Map


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Martha's Vineyard Commission
All Rights Reserved